Moto G5 & G5 Plus! Specification & Its Design

The news of new Moto G5 is viral on the internet from the past few days. Although it hasn’t been confirmed yet, when this new version of Motorola smartphone will be available in the market. Analysts are saying that, users have to wait for at least one or more month to purchase this smartphone from a mobile market. Moto G5 will be a smartphone, which have the quality to outperform their competitors like Samsung & Pixel in smartphone market. It will be an opportunity to growth for Motorola in upcoming months. Moto G5 and Moto G5 plus will surely fulfill the needs of customers in an efficient manner. Specification of Moto G5 are...
  • A full HD display of 5.5 inch display
  • Camera ( Rear/Front) 13 MP/5MP
  • Storage Option of 16 GB
  • Andriod Nougat 7.0 is installed on it
  • Fingerprint Scanner
  • Octa – Core Processes
Moto G5 plus have more features than the simple Moto G5. A more resolution camera is installed in it as compared to Moto G5. With enhanced fingerprint scanner, this phone will surely become the most preferred choice of smartphone users across the globe. It has the following specification.
  • 16/ 32 GB storage capacity
  • 16 megapixel camera
  • 8 core processor
  • 5.5 Inch full HD Display
Releasing date of these handset is speculated to be at March 8- 2017 (not conformed yet). As a great fan of Motorola smartphones, I am pretty much sure that these mobile will deliver a perfect gaming and social networking experience to their users, and they will surely get best out of these. Motorola always have a great record of delivering outstanding and innovative quality IT devices to their worldwide users, and it looks promising that they are now getting back on track.


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