Do You Need Penetration Testing Services - Try Kualitatem for Better Results

Carrying out security analysis of an IT infrastructure by carefully exploiting out the vulnerabilities attach to it, refers to as a penetration testing services or penetration test. Security vulnerabilities or bugs can exist in an operating system or network which could improvise over the period. Penetration testing services are helpful to make an accurate security assessment of an IT infrastructure by validating out the effectiveness of defensive mechanism. Sometimes inability of end user adherence to security testing may cause a security loophole, which affects software overall performance quality. If your business nature relates with the financial or banking, then it’s obligatory for you to implement uniform security testing protocols and frameworks with the help off penetration testing services providers. 

Causes of Vulnerabilities & Threats

  • Operating Systems are not up to the desired standards
  • Imperfection in an application or service 
  • Failure in required proper configurations 
  • End users actions are risky and inappropriate 
Penetration tests are typically implemented by adopting unconventional penetration testing approaches which evaluate the endpoints & wireless network devices on which software or app is install. Once a bug is recognized in an IT infrastructure; it becomes easy for the penetration testing services providers to retain the security standards by employing resourceful security testing tools. It’s always beneficial to conduct safety testing on the persistent basis with the help of a penetration testing services providers. As per the recent study related to the penetration & security analysis of IT infrastructures shows, that the firms which haven’t take vulnerability testing as a serious approach have to face a loss of around $3.5 million in the financial year 2014. So it’s mandatory for all IT firms to implement penetration testing protocols by hiring a software testing services provider. 

Why to Hire Kualitatem for Penetration Testing

Kualitatem offer’s an in-depth range of penetration testing frameworks based on manual as well as automated security analysis to find out the attached vulnerabilities & threats. They have a team of experienced IT infrastructure analysts, whom all the members have certification of “HP, IBM, McAfee and Symantec” security assessment protocols. You must have to hire Kualitatem as they are the best in providing advanced class resourceful penetration testing services. Their penetration testing frameworks include

  • Physical risk & security valuation of an IT infrastructure 
  • Security evaluation of a web application
  • Safety assessment protocols for Mobile application
  • Social hacking or human hacking
  • VOIP (Voice over Internet protocols) security frameworks


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